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Whitepaper: Why seal traceability is important

Counterfeit materials and components entering the supply chain is a growing problem with more products being counterfeited across all industries including Food and Pharmaceuticals. The European Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) found in its report on counterfeiting in the pharmaceutical industry, that counterfeiters largely succeed by exploiting weaknesses in the supply chain.

The best way to combat counterfeit materials entering your supply chain is to avoid them in the first place. This is where traceability comes into play. Having clear visibility of your supply chain and being able to track and trace your seals greatly reduces the risk of counterfeiters being able to exploit any weaknesses.

In this whitepaper we investigate the pitfalls of buying cheap hygienic gaskets online and the reasons why component traceability really matters.


What's in the whitepaper?

In our whitepaper on Seal Traceability you will learn:

  • What traceability is, and the risks associated with poor component traceability
  • How traceability can prevent counterfeit components entering the supply chain
  • Simple steps you can take to improve your seal component traceability
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