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COVID-19 Precautionary Measures

As the coronavirus COVID-19 has spread around the world PPE has established a specific business continuity plan and taken proactive steps to protect the well-being of our people, customers and suppliers.

A Covid-19 Risk Assessment has been carried out and can be provided to interested parties upon request.

Remote Working, Shift Patterns & Social Distancing

Where feasible we have asked our staff to work from home and equipped them to ensure we minimise disruption and maximise communication channels. For people whose role dictates they need to be on site we have also introduced gaps between our shift changeovers and staggered breaks to minimise the number of people interacting on site at any one time. In addition, we have implemented changes to reduce transmission risk (Social Distancing) including but not limited to installing physical barriers to separate workspaces, reducing the number of employees in any given work area, changed seating in work and common areas and implementing a one way system around the facility.

Temperature Screening, Health checks & Additional Personal Protective Wear

All employees and visitors are required to participate in mandatory temperature screening on arrival onsite using ‘no-touch’ thermometers.  Employees are encouraged to take their own temperature each day prior to travelling to PPE. 

A critical component of preventing transmission is ensuring our employees do not come to work sick or if anybody in their household is feeling unwell. All employees have been made aware of this and are told they must ring 111 or their doctor and the PPE absence line and follow the government guidelines around self-isolating. The PPE HR team will contact staff away from work ill every other day to check in on them.

Face coverings are available to all employees and visitors.  Face coverings must be worn by anyone that is required to move around different zones within the facility. When people are at their stations the risk assessment has concluded people can socially distance by at least 2m.

Cleaning & other preventative measures

We have displayed posters around our facilities with National Health Service advice on how to stay healthy, including tips on hand washing, avoiding handshakes or other personal greetings. We have also increased the number of deep cleans performed daily at our facility by outside professional cleaning contractors, enhanced workplace cleaning protocols, and provided items like hand sanitizer, soap, and disinfectant spray and wipes for employees to use, to further reduce risk. Every employee must sign off on cleaning their areas at the start and end of their shift and wipe down shared equipment before and after every use.

Business Travel

PPE has restricted all travel to limit risk to our employees and minimise potential exposure within our facilities.

All business travel has been suspended without the approval of IDEX senior management. Any decision will weigh the necessity of travel against the risk of exposure to employees and endangerment to business continuity. Wherever possible business travel will be substituted by technology such as video conferencing.


To help limit the spread of the coronavirus we are reducing the number of visitors to our Blackburn facility. Wherever possible we will hold meetings via conference call, Skype or some other form of electronic communication.

If it is essential that a person visit our site, then any visitors will be asked to complete a health questionnaire prior to visiting site to ensure we don't admit guests who are displaying symptoms or from households with people displaying symptoms. The same questionnaire will also be completed by our own staff returning from holiday.  Visitors are also required to be temperature screened prior to entering our facility and must follow all social distancing, hygiene and Personal Protective Wear protocol.

Supply chain

We are working closely with our supply chain partners to make sure we have continuity of supply, and where necessary increasing stock levels to create a buffer to mitigate any unforeseen supply chain delays or shortages.

We understand that these measures may cause some level of disruption and we will be closely monitoring the situation in line with government recommendations, to ensure we are taking timely and proportional measures

If you have any further questions, please contact your regional sales manager.

Ben Green
General Manager
Precision Polymer Engineering Ltd

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